Batte Furniture
Since 1883, four generations of the Batte family of Jackson, Miss. have offered an extensive variety of choices of everything needed to create a beautiful home. John Batte noted, “It is easier to just pick a preset pattern and have everything match,” but most Batte brides prefer to mix things up. “It’s more challenging to mix and match china patterns with glass, but that’s what our brides do.” For many of these couples, durability and easy care is a big factor. Annieglass serving bowls, platters, and trays–particularly in gold–have in most cases replaced fine sterling silver serving pieces as favored registry items since they sparkle all of the time and don’t require the polishing and upkeep that silver does.
Aquamarine blue, soft blues and orange for pops of color are also very popular despite the love of traditional color palettes that predominant in the area. John and Joy Batte consider the dining room to be the core of the home, and in this region most homes still include a formal dining room. Even new homes are built to feature them, in contrast to more open space plans popular in other places.
Over many years, I have often traveled throughout the deep South visiting my customers who sell Annieglass, and I have noted how they have a very strong sense of place, and are proud of both their hometowns and their homes. They appreciate fine things and as John Batte says —and I agree — other parts of the country are much more casual. Fine things like crystal, antiques and fine china are still a big part of the table and family gatherings here. The brides here are secure in their sense of style, having been raised by mothers who grew up knowing about interior design, how to make a beautiful home, and how important family meals are. The table is where they get together not just to celebrate events and occasions, but also to share their memories and hand down their oral family history. This happens over Sunday brunch, weekly suppers, and holiday dinners. Meal times, and what they use to serve and present them on, are still very important.
The Batte's should know…they have three dining areas of their own filled with beautiful things and wonderful memories and I can verify that!
- Annie
Batte Furniture
1010 E Northside Dr.
Jackson, MS 39236
Phone: (601) 366-0335