Channel Your Inner Artist
Whether you live in the Monterey Bay / Santa Cruz area or just visiting, do something different this weekend, take a workshop at our factory. Make it a creative adventure, bring your friends. Local artists offer workshops in various mediums, i.e. collage, ceramics, textile arts, and painting. Our best-selling workshops are back with local artists. The lineup includes watercolor/mixed media with Heidi Michelle, jewelry with Lisa Doggett, lettering with Ruth Korch, and glass workshops with Annie Morhauser. As a workshop participant, take advantage of your 20% discount on first-quality Annieglass.
Our retail store and seconds room are open to the public: Mon - Sat, 10am-5pm. FREE studio tours, Fri. & Sat. at 1:30pm. Best of all, take at 15% discount on first quality AnnieglassCall 831.761.2041 to make a reservation.
To see our workshop reviews, please use the search box. Search for "workshop".